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Elements of Art Through Photography


This photo demonstrates the element of line through the continuous vertical direction carried by the posts in the foreground and the gutters and pipes in the background.

This photo demonstrates the element of shape through the the silhouette of the utility pole, which gives definition and clear identity to it without form.

This photo demonstrates the element of form through the full shape, scale, and space taken up by the tree.

This photo demonstrates the element of space through the relationship of the flowers in the foreground with the trees and the rails in the background being contrasted through the use of deep focus.

This photo demonstrates the element of color through the use of the vibrant and oversaturated colors of the bikes clashing and demanding the attention of the viewer's eyes.

This photo demonstrates the element of value through the inclusion of many different shades in the simple image. The building has both a very bright side and very dark side, with everything in between in the blue sky.

This photo demonstrates the element of texture through the use of the very tactile texture of the tree bark which gives the viewer almost a sense of feel to accompany the image.

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